The Layering Trend…in Chain Necklaces

Have you noticed? There seems to be a change occurring when it comes to wearing necklace chains. Do you remember when bold and almost obnoxious chains were the “thing” to wear? I certainly do! During that time, roughly 30 or so years ago, statement chain necklaces were really popular. Remember the 1980s television series starring Mr. T or Laurence Tureaud, in The A-Team? If so, then you remember bold, chunky necklace chains!

About that same time, Tiffany & Co. were producing and selling chunky, almost choker length necklaces, with or without their “Return to Tiffany” heart tags attached. They were and still are beautiful chain necklaces! So beautiful that I would like to attempt making one or two. At least give it a try, by using a heavy gauge sterling silver wire, and my own design. Well, that’s something that I will definitely schedule in the future.

Anyway, it seems that the bold chain style is back. But, what’s interesting, is that a fine gauge chain is worn together with the bold chain. Actually, it seems that “anything goes” when it comes to layering necklace chains. It’s encouraged to “mix metals” for a “fresh look” when considering which chains would look good together. Wear a bold choker chain in gold, with one or two fine gauge silver chains with a pendant for an added punch of flair.

I do like this new style, do you? Or do you feel an inside resistance to this look? Perhaps feeling that in wearing these bold, statement chains will revert you back to the look of your high school days? Yes, I understand the feeling!

With time fads come and fads go. Spending time looking through photo albums with mom and dad will always bring a chuckle when we see ourselves dressing like Mr. T! But, hey…I wonder what his daughters might be wearing this year, as they see the changes that the rest of us are seeing?

I wouldn’t mind wearing a bold, chunky necklace. In fact, I’ve dug out my 1980s Tiffany & Co. bold chocker length necklaces with the “Return to Tiffany” heart tags on them. I’ve always loved wearing them. But when fads go a person feels a little conspicuous. Now, I’m having a change of heart. I’ll just look through my collection of fine gauge necklace chains (by the way, that’s a fad of years gone by, too, that reminds me of my mother!) to layer with the bold necklace chains. What exciting combinations will I come up with?

Well, now I need to start thinking about creating bold necklace chains for my friends. Of course, they will want to wear beautiful necklace chain combinations from their own jewelry collections. The combinations are endless! Remember, “anything goes” now…wearing and layering necklace chains, that is.

Please check back often to give us your feedback on the bold necklace chains that we will create and offer to you, our friends. Until the next fad…be happy and stay safe!

Thanks for reading,